Some of the many sweet systems enhanced by the Music Purifiers.
Notice: Having given away hundreds of hours of free advice to people.....I am finally learning that I have to take care of myself, as well. For 15 minutes I will gladly discuss anything audio with you (for free)......after that it is $1 per minute . I am a one man operation and I am disabled and I am only able to work part time......and do not have any savings or retirement and I am 77 years old and still working. So, you are calling an nice old guy who still needs to pay the bills. Reciprocity is love. Most questions are to complex to answer in a simple email. A phone call is way easier for me to help you with something and most of the time it will be shorter than 15 minutes. I am avialable most every day after 10 AM Pacific time.....831-600-7102
Some of the sweet systems using my Music Purifiers